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  2. Expedia
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Buy now, pay later
at Expedia

Buy now, Pay later in the Afterpay app. Budget your spending. Earn rewards when you shop. Discover thousands of brands and millions of products, online and in-store. Do it all in the app, easily and securely.

How to use Afterpay
at Expedia

  1. Download the Afterpay app and search for Expedia.
  2. Open the Expedia store and start shopping.
  3. Check out with Afterpay and choose how to pay.
a man in a denim shirt is taking a selfie with his phone

Here’s why you should Afterpay it


Get what you need

Shop Expedia products online and in-store


Choose how you pay

Choose to pay over 6 or 12 months or in 4 interest-free payments.

Rewind Icon

No late fees

We’ll send you reminders and cap late payments to help you get back on track.

Buy Now, Pay Later at Expedia

Shopping at Expedia just got easier with Afterpay's BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) offering. Shoppers can enjoy the freedom to purchase their favorite items and 'pay over time' in manageable installments. Afterpay offers interest-free payment plans that allow shoppers to spread the cost of their purchases over several payments, making it more affordable and less stressful. With Afterpay, customers can buy what they want today and pay it off in four equal interest-free installments over 6 weeks. This payment plan is a convenient way to budget and manage your spending without the worry of interest or hidden fees. Afterpay provides shoppers flexible payment options when shopping with Expedia via Afterpay's mobile app. So, why wait? Shop at Expedia today and take advantage of Afterpay's easy and convenient payment plans.

About Expedia

Expedia Group is a global travel platform that believes travel is a force for good. With a mission to power global travel for everyone, everywhere, Expedia offers a wide range of products and services to make travel accessible and convenient. 

With 20+ globally relevant brands, 200+ travel sites, and operations in over 70 countries, Expedia has a vast global reach. The company leverages industry-leading technology, including AI predictions and virtual conversations, to provide the best travel experiences. Expedia's broadest offering in the travel industry includes access to 3M+ properties, 220K+ unique activities, and partnerships with 500+ airlines, dozens of cruise lines, and thousands of car rentals. 

Expedia builds connections between travelers and partners by filtering through millions of possibilities to find the best outcome. Powered by over 70+ petabytes of data and more than 20 years of tech innovation, Expedia is one of the world's largest travel platforms. The company is driven by a team of passionate travelers and technologists who work across time zones, cultures, and languages to create great products and facilitate connections that bring good into the world. 

From its early beginnings as one of the first online travel agencies in 1996 to its evolution into Expedia Group in 2018, the company has continuously grown and expanded its portfolio and presence in the travel industry. Expedia Group is dedicated to powering global travel and believes travel has the power to strengthen connections, broaden horizons, and bridge divides.