Toys & Games

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Shop Games & Toys with Afterpay


Games and toys bring fun, laughter and smiles into every family’s home. It’s a great way to spend quality time together, relax and enjoy challenging and encouraging each other.


Afterpay’s experts in all things playful have put their heads together to create this extensive list of retailers and stockists, so you can pick up a few nostalgic classics and explore what’s new.


Birthdays and other special occasions are an ideal opportunity to gift a toy. There are so many options to choose from, so do your research and find out what the child is enjoying at the time. Another good way to find out what might suit is to check the age guide on the item you’ve selected, so you can be sure it’s appropriate.


Educational items blend fun with learning, so you can upskill your little one in maths, english, science and other essential subjects, without them feeling as though they’re doing extra homework.


Family moments spent over a classic board game are a great way to spend winter evenings when the weather doesn’t allow for much else. Shaking out the pieces of a puzzle that the family can work on together poses a challenge, requires teamwork and is really rewarding once completed. This type of activity can stretch out over days or weeks.


Dinner parties and evenings spent at home with friends are much more lively when there are games on hand. Playful challenges and team rivalry add to the fun as cards hit the table and dice are rolled.


Once you’ve found a selection of games and toys that will bring smiles to the faces of your loved ones, zip your cart over to the online check out to make the most of Afterpay’s easy instalment plan.